Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Thank you Room 1 & 2 - Picket Fence

Room 1 & 2 are busy trying to tidy up our gardens.  They have decided we need a little picket fence around the gardens outside the hall to tidy it up and keep people off the gardens.  They have got the fence posts and drawn their designs on them, and are now painting them ready to put into the ground.  I can't wait to see how fabulous it looks.  Watch this space . . . .

Week 6 & 7

We have been so busy the last couple of weeks.  There are so many activities the children have been running at lunchtimes.
Rock Painting

Making Seedballs
Bug Hunting

The gardens are really dry so there has been a lot of watering needed.  Children have been on the bicycle peddling hard to pump the water out of the tank. 

And the lavender has been harvested and little lavender bags made to enjoy the aroma of a little longer. 

The girls in the butterfly house have been busy collecting caterpillars and ensuring they have a safe place to transform into butterflies.  They have now started tagging them so that they can be tracked and we can understand more about where they go and what happens to them over winter.